Saturday, 29 March 2008


The weather has been really bad here after a mild February and last week there were high winds and storms which battered our shed and whipped off most of the felt roofing so on our latest visit Peter had to re-felt the shed. I think we are going to get some bitumen paint to go on top just to seal it all in. I was also quite cross at the amount of debris that had blown onto our plot, plastic pop bottles that had been used as cloches and bits of old cardboard, lids off composters and waterbuts were littered everywhere, I really think people should do more to secure stuff on their own plot so that doesn't happen. In actual fact we hadn't done to badly in the bad weather as one shed had completely collapsed and with things getting busier on the plot now it's spring I wouldn't want to be re-building a shed.

The peas and beans now have lovely green shoots coming through which is great and my sweet peas are doing well. I can't wait unti the produce starts growing. I've also got some radish and some lettuce in now, not sure if I mentioned that earlier. My red onion sets have arrived from Thomson and Morgan and as we have a weeks holiday next week we are planning on spending some time at the plot. I'm hoping to build a sandpit for Mini to keep her out of trouble. Will also try and take some new pics to show our progress.

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