Saturday 15 March 2008


We are zooming ahead with progress on the allotment, we have now planted carrots, parsnips, broad beans, early peas, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus, basil and rosemary. Not bad going considering we only got the plot in January. We met some of our neighbours last week whilst we were their plot is attached to a Pupil Referral Unit and will be used to help children who are depressed and also those struggling with eating disorders, the idea is to help themj understand more about the goodness and nature of food and encourage them to eat well by being involved in growing the food. What a worthwhile project, they are also working with a local artist to design the plot and have wonderful animals and characters made out of reeds, I must admit it makes ours look a bit scruffy though I am pleased with the new raised beds I have built, they are only small but hopefully they will be very productive.

Mini is still enjoying coming with us, now the weather has dried up a bit it is a lot easier and she is getting used to her wellies and waterproofs. It can't be too long now until we start seeing some produce.

We finally joined the allotment society for a joint membership of £3, bargain or what, I also found myself volunteering to help the committe with IT stuff so I'll wait and see if anything comes of that. Looking forward to spending some time at the plot in the Easter hols and hoping for some good weather.

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